
Saturday 2 April 2011

April 2, 2011

Such an amazing sighting today!  The leaf  on this plant had been folded over and 'anchored' down. Inside the 'nest' that was created were the tiniest eggs and a little green spider. 
I tried to take a photo from the other side, but sadly the focus was out. 
I look forward to taking another photo tomorrow



  1. How fascinating Maggie. We can always count on you to give us something interesting to view. I bought a fascinating little book today called 'First Field Guide to Butterflies and Moths of Southern Africa'. I was fascinated to see that a moth you took a pic of last year (one with beautiful circles on its wings) belongs to a group known as 'Emperor Moths'.

  2. as Glynnis Jill, our Butterfly Queen, says I am also fascinated by all you show us and draw us into beautiful aspects of nature we would never look at normally. Thank you so much Maggie.
