
Friday, 4 January 2013

January 4, 2013

Yesterday we picked up beautiful gossamer wings. By co-incidence I later opened a garden magazine an much to my surprise, found an article about Ant Lions. 
The wings were identical to those we had found!
I meant to take photos of the wings today, but I cannot find them ;) 
Last night I saw an Ant Lion high up on the wall in the kitchen, but found it dead this morning.
Although I do not like to take photos of dead creatures, I wanted to take a closer look through 
the lens at the markings on its head. Much to my surprise I found it had a heart between the eyes!
(My post on January 2 was of a Butterfly with a border of hearts on its wings.)
It is hard to associate this beautiful insect with the larva that digs little funnels in sand to trap ants.
As children we used to see who could collect the most by digging in the sand with a twig to get them out. Ugly but intriguing little critters called 'Doodle-bugs' 
Obviously that was looooong before TV, XBox, Wii and Cellphones - we used to play outside ;)