
Friday, 12 September 2014

September 12, 2014

The next set of photos were all taken at False Bay Park which is part of the Isimangaliso Wetlands

This gathering of birds remind me of the meetings & workshops that we so often have to attend. 
(Please note that this post is done 'with tongue in cheek' with NO intention to offend anybody)

Timing is a major thing in Africa
Early arrivals wander around aimlessly while the convenor faffs to try & create some order

'The Boss' arrives flanked by his bodyguards/assistants

An Inspector makes a short appearance just to see that the meeting is being conducted 
according to standard rules and regulations

  Although the meeting is just about over there are still late arrivals
By this time numbers have dwindled and the few still present seem to have lost interest
(one wonders - do they understand the language?)

 This guy had the best plan - signed out from work to attend the meeting
but went fishing in stead!