
Wednesday 6 April 2011

April 6, 2011

This morning I spent quite a while chasing after a juvenile Hummingbird Moth with no success.
This butterfly must have felt sorry for me & perched on the flower right in front of me as if to say "Here - shoot me,  I'm prettier!" 


  1. Sooooo beautiful Maggie. Well captured. I am having such a hectic time work wise at the moment. I have not even picked up my camera today.

  2. this is so gorgeous Maggie!! sorry haven't been able to comment for a few days, but having my Mum to stay takes up loads of my time and she hasn't been too well so have been taking her to hospital etc.
    I truly love your photos they are an inspiration to me. So well done. xx

  3. I think this is an African Veined White but I am not sure Maggie.

  4. This is so lovely. I'm so glad she asked to be photographed.
