
Sunday 25 September 2011

September 25, 2011

 I spotted this spider sitting on the wall on Friday morning.
Today I found that it had moved to the door frame.
It is quite large - it's legs are probably about 7 to 8cm long
I searched the Internet to try and identify it, but could not find anything
that had such a big head and long slim abdomen.

Unfortunately the light was not too good and the flash caused a white blowout.
I managed to crop out a closeup of it's rather sad looking 'face' 
Strange protrusions are situated just below the lower set of eyes.
This photo clearly shows the Pedipalps that are used to grab and hold it's prey


  1. Four eyes - I find this spider strangely scaring!

  2. NO Maggie now you have gone too far!!!! I am going to have nightmares. Fabulous shots though.

  3. Wow - superb shots! Must be a hunting spider species. The shape of the pedipalps suggest its a male

  4. Thanks for the comments& Info. I agree that it is quite nightmarish!
    @Ant: This spider is probably still somewhere in the house, I have not seen it around - I tread VERY carefully! (Unless my geriatric dog ate it, of course) Not good light for a photo, but I took many. I do not see eight eyes on any of the photos - only six. Is that possible?
