
Saturday, 31 March 2012

March 31, 2012

Today the subject for my daily photo came flying into the lounge.
It was bashing itself against the window to try and get out (the dogs went beserk!)
The little heart was beating like crazy, but I HAD to take a photo before I let it go.
 I watched it fly to the fence, where it gave me a last glance, scraped its beak, shook its feathers into place and disappeared - before I could even raise the camera for another shot.
It still has no name, although I searched the net to try and identify it. The upper parts were all one colour except for the splash of yellow on the shoulders, while the belly was light brown/dark beige


  1. Like the flash of yellow and very long beak. A kingfisher did that once near my office at work. It was quite stunned. Phoned CROW and they said just let it recover. We put it in an open box, and after a while it flew away. We were concerned that the feral cat would get it.

  2. You have some lovely pictures on your site. This one looks like a Humming Bird, but I'm no expert at naming things ...

  3. Thank you Mark! The fact that it was so tiny had me thinking it was a Humming Bird, but it is not listed in my bird books. I thought that Humming Birds have straighter beaks than this one. I am no good with names either!
