
Sunday 21 July 2013

July 21, 2013

 Of all that I saw in the Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park today, this site was the most awesome.
A Baboon Mother with a very newborn, very pink Bababy ;)
 Mother Baboon was feeding on young grass roots while Bababy clung to her for dear life!
Every now and then Bababy would loose grip and screech very loudly until Mother Baboon gives it a hand by pushing it up against her stomach so that it can get a firm grip on a new hand- and footfull of hair as high as it can reach. 
 I see Crocodiles on occasion, but today I saw two!
The early morning sun was a bit harsh on the first one, though.
It could be the light, or just the fact that the one in the photo below is cleaner, but these guys don't look like the same type of Croc to me ;)

Lastly I bring you the view 'atmaggieztree' today.
A very Wintery scene compared to the previous photos I have taken at this spot.
Some controlled burning has taken place as you can see in the background. 
We have had about 35mm of rain over the last two weeks which has done wonders.


  1. I love Baboons ... to me they're the ultimate survivors - they seem to be able to adapt to almost any environment ...

    ... I've tried to take care of orphaned Baboons but they very soon become unmanagable ...

    1. Graham I have to admit that I am very afraid of Baboons!

  2. Wonderful capture Maggie - I often saw baby monkeys at UKZN - always clinging to their mums like this baboon is.

    1. Thanks Celia. This little one was the tiniest I have ever seen!
